Sell a Business

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The global leader, in your community

More business owners trust Sunbelt when it’s time to sell. The numbers show why.

1978 symbol 1978

The year Sunbelt Business Brokers was founded. Few firms offer the experience and expertise we have.

1000 location symbol 1,000

The approximate number of Sunbelt’s business brokers worldwide. We’re a global force, in your local community.

5000 symbol 2,000+

The approximate number of businesses listed for sale with Sunbelt at any given time. That’s more than all of our major competitors combined.

36 million symbol 3.6 Million

The number of annual pageviews on the Sunbelt website. We are the largest proprietary database of businesses for sale in the world, and where buyers come to find their opportunities.

50k symbol $50k to $50m

We represent businesses of all sizes and industries.

831 symbol 118,500+

The number of business listing searches conducted on our website in 2021

How the Selling Process Works

At Sunbelt, we don’t believe in a cookie-cutter approach when helping people sell their businesses. Our deal makers follow a structured methodology that is designed to bring offers to the table while maintaining confidentiality and minimizing business interruption.


Analyze & Prepare The Business

We understand what buyers want to see in a business and we can work with your team of trusted brokers to get your business in position to be sold for the best price and in the shortest time frame.


Generate Value Estimates & Deal Structures

The right deal is different for everybody and every business. In conjunction with delivering our professional opinion of value, we can present different deal structures for you and your financial advisors to consider. Visit our Valuations section for more information about valuations and business pricing.


Develop Your Marketing Assets

Our team will create compelling Confidential Business Profiles, Confidential Business Reviews and additional collateral designed to stimulate the interest of buyers.


Launch Your Confidential Internet Promotion

For certain businesses, an internet marketing/promotions/strategy is a must. In addition to listing your business on the Sunbelt website, we’ll place your business advertisement on more than 10 additional, industry leading websites that buyers go to. Buyers are online, and we make sure they can find information about your business.


Execute Off-Line Marketing Strategies

With an international network of broker professionals, our contact with potential buyers extends from your backyard to around the globe. As part of the overall marketing plan we craft with you, we’ll explore how to tap our databases of appropiate individual buyers, private equity groups and strategic corporate buyers.


Respond To & Screen Buyers

Our marketing program is designed to generate buyer inquiries, which we will follow up with, and screen. We’ll take that pool and narrow it down to those who appear to be serious, have the financial capacity to perform, and ultimately the prospective buyers who may be the best candidates.


Manage Buyers and Evaluate Offers

Our process is designed to solicit the best offers, from the best buyers. Working with your professional advisors, we’ll help you evaluate the pros and cons of each offer.


Expedite Due Diligence

Once an offer is accepted and finalized, we will help coordinate the due diligence process, no prospective buyers have access to the detailed information they need to finalize their decision. We’ll work with accountants, attorneys, and lenders to keep the process focused and efficient.


Prep Documents & Close

With an offer in hand, we’ll assist you with the exchange of information with any accountants, attorneys and lenders, including closing documents and logistics, to facilitate a smooth transition. Congratulations! The next chapter of your life awaits.