How to Improve Your Sales Pitch

A group of people listening to a sales pitch.The sales pitch is an important part of every business owner’s career, from pitching ideas to your friends or colleagues to pitching your business plan to investors or buyers. Making a great sales pitch can be a career-defining moment, both for the good and the bad. Stay on top of your game and consider these tips on how to improve your sales pitch:

  • Listen to successful news anchors and speakers. People who have to communicate clearly for a living have it down to a science. Take some time and carefully listen and observe successful news anchors and professional speakers. Close your eyes and listen to the inflections they make and then watch their body language. Making a sales pitch is not easy, and there are so many ways we can communicate a message! It will be worth your time to learn from the pros.
  • Use a tone that is appropriate for the message. Depending on the sales pitch you need to make, there will be certain tones that lend themselves to the situation. A serious business-like tone is not always the best tone, nor is an easy-going one. Be prepared for the sales pitch with different tones in case of last minute changes.
  • Know who you are selling to. This may be seem obvious, but a large percentage of people going into sales pitches don’t even know who they will be speaking to. Do your research and over prepare. Knowing who you are selling to will also help you develop an appropriate tone as mentioned above. Also, don’t only learn about the company but the individuals you will be pitching to.
  • Map out the customer experience. Before taking on a sales pitch, make sure you understand the full customer experience associated with your business. Whether B2B to B2C, map out the typical customer experience in detail to give you a better sense of what their questions and concerns will be.
  • Give the answer before they even ask the question. If you understand their experience, you’ll be better prepared to answer their questions. An essential part of every sales pitch is actually answering all the questions before they even get asked! You want to show the customer or potential partner your breadth of knowledge, thoroughness, and experience in order to make them certain that they are making the best choice.
  • Listen. Really listen. The mark of a great salesperson is the ability to listen in addition to anticipating concerns. Think of your sales pitch as more of a conversation than a one-way street.
  • Always make an actionable suggestion. Every sales pitch should end with some kind of call to action. Even if it is just a follow-up, make sure you are clear in your intentions and true to your word. Don’t lose a potential sale by forgetting to follow through with a promise!

If you are preparing a sales pitch in order to sell your business, then you may need assistance from Sunbelt Business Brokers to help make it a smooth process. With over 30 years of experience, we have what it takes to ensure a smooth and successful sale. Contact us today!

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