Designing a Great Logo for Your Business

A team designing a great logo.A great logo can be one of the most valuable assets a business can have. The value of a great logo and a great brand behind it is worth even more as digital and social media come to the forefront. How many logos do we recognize without even thinking about it? There’s no question that a great logo is important to your business.

What makes a great logo? While there is certainly no exact equation for a perfect logo, there is a set of guidelines that have proven successful. Whether you are designing a logo from scratch for your startup company or redesigning an outdated logo after you purchased a business, taking the time and energy to carefully craft a quality logo is imperative. Here are a few of the most important elements of a great logo:

  • Simplicity. The first element of a great logo is simplicity. In order to spread awareness quickly and efficiently, your logo ought to be as simple as possible and easily recognizable. This manifests itself differently for every business, but make sure to keep this in mind as you work on designing a great logo.
  • Uniqueness. As business owners, we want our brand to stand out from the crowd, and creating a unique logo is a key part of making that happen. Do your research, making sure you are aware of your competitors’ logos, businesses with similar names, and regional businesses in your industry. Some companies hire branding firms to design a logo, while others do it in-house. This is usually dependent on available budget. Either way, we suggest enlisting a team of talented, creative people to facilitate the process towards designing a great logo.
  • Perception. How do you want to be perceived? What kind of business are you and what values are important to you? Where are you located? What kind of demographic do you target? Who is your core audience? These are the kind of questions you need to answer in the process of designing a great logo. Knowing who you are, who you want to reach, and how you want to reach them is key for making a great logo.
  • Flexibility. Your logo should be flexible enough to work well in different mediums and in different sizes. People should also be able to recognize the letters and shapes in addition to the color of your logo, keeping in mind that it should look good in black and white as well. Play around with size, colors, print mediums and digital presentation to ensure a great logo. Additionally, the best logos are flexible enough to be relevant to different times and places. Will your logo be relevant 2 years from now? 10 years? Aim for a timeless, classic quality to your great logo.

A great logo can be a major determining factor when selling or buying a business. It takes a lot of work and innovative thought and design to create a logo that accurately represents a brand. There are many items to consider when selling or buying a business, and determining what a logo is worth is one of those considerations. Learn more about business valuations from Sunbelt or contact one of our experienced business brokers to get starting on your next business adventure!  

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