Giving Back: How Generosity in Your Community Can Benefit Your Business and the Community

Have you ever donated to a cause that is important to you? Whether it be to your childrens’ school, a local food shelf or a nationwide charity, donating is as beneficial to the individual donating as the organization receiving the support. This concept applies to the business world as well. After investing thousands into a small business it might be hard to justify giving your hard earned profits away. But, the benefits to giving can be very impactful for entrepreneurs as well.

Giving back to the community is very important to many business owners.  It helps them express gratitude for the support they receive from loyal customers. Donating not only helps you give back to your community, it can earn the goodwill of your customers. By donating you have the opportunity to showcase your organization in a positive light. This means you may be the first business to come to mind the next time a customer requires a good or service you provide.

Additionally, employees are your organizations ambassadors. By getting involved in the community, it gives your employees something to be proud about and helps them maintain a positive outlook on their employer.

Are you in a very competitive industry? Giving back can also be a differentiating factor. By getting in front of the community you give your business a boost in reach and opportunities.

So, now you want to get involved? Here are a few ways to get into your community:

  • Partner with a charity: Pick a charity that you connect with personally. By picking a charity that meets your community needs, your employees and customers can see the impact of donating.

  • Pick a volunteer day or schedule: Does your local food shelf need help sorting one night a week? Get a team together to rotate shifts every week. It’s a great opportunity to build relationships with your employees and get into the community.

  • Sponsor a local sports team: Everyone loves to watch their kid play VAA sports. By donating to these teams, parents will be reminded of your generosity. Just one more way to serve the community while gaining the goodwill of your local community and the potential for more business into the future.

  • Ask customers to help out: Put a jar out at your business with a “blurb” about who the money goes to and why. By allowing customers to donate through you, it again builds trust and respect for your business and makes it easier for others to donate too.

Giving away hard earned profits may not be the first idea when a business wants to earn more profits but in the long term these donations serve as an investment in both the community and your business.. The goodwill and reach your business can receive through community activism can lead to larger profits into the future and a good feeling when you leave work each day.

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