Primary Category:Waste Management & Recycling Businesses for Sale
*The total asking price of $3,300,000 includes $1,000,000 of inventory, 7 Acres, 6600 Sq. Ft Building, and FFE.
This Metals Recycling scrap yard was founded in 2018. The business accepts scrap metals of all types and junk automobiles for processing into a variety of metal scrap components. These scrap components are sorted, crushed, and shredded into manageable sizes, then baled. Bales are shipped to appropriate vendors who further process the scrap metals into salable commodities.
The company has established a solid, wide-ranging customer base. Residential, farming, and local businesses patronize this recycling business regularly. This business has developed excellent relationships with its customers and neighboring businesses.
Metals recycling has been a sustained industry for generations. Since its founding, the business has developed into an extraordinarily successful enterprise, exceeding expectations at every turn.
A buyer investing is this business would acquire a thriving, successful opportunity. Professionally trained and motivated employees are on hand to continue its success.
This could be a semi-absentee to absentee ownership opportunity.
Financial Information
Asking Price
Cash Flow
Gross Revenue
Down Payment
Business Location
Reason for Sale
Detailed information
Year Established:2018
Home Based:No
Lender Prequalified:No
SBA Prequalified:No
Full-Time Employees: 5
Part-Time Employees:N/A
Owner Worked Hours/w:N/A
Adjusted EBITDA:
Inventory Included: Yes
Inventory Value:
Monthly Rent:
Real Estate Available: Yes
Real Estate Included: Yes
Real Estate Value:
Building Size: 6600
FF&E Included?: Yes
FF&E Value: $700,000
Seller will ensure a smooth transition.
Approximately 7 Acre lot with 6600 Sq. Ft. building is part of the sale. This light industrial location is situated on a state highway, easily visible and accessible to patrons. The 6600 Sq. Ft. building has 2400 Sq. Ft. of finished space for customer service, as well as office space, meeting facilities, and restrooms. The remaining 4200 Sq. Ft. is utilized as a warehouse and shop. Ample employee and customer parking is available.
Market Outlook/Competition
This is the only scrap metal recycling facility in a 70 mile radius.
The founder realized a need for these services and opened this facility in 2018. This emerging company is nurturing solid relationships and has already gained a reputation. Marketing and advertising would increase awareness of this business. Roll off bins, scrap pick-up services, and cleanup are excellent areas for further expansion. A website would be another avenue to expand business.
Real Estate Description
Approximately 7 Acre lot with 6600 Sq. Ft. building is part of the sale. This light industrial location is situated on a state highway, easily visible and accessible to patrons. The 6600 Sq. Ft. building has 2400 Sq. Ft. of finished space for customer service, as well as office space, meeting facilities, and restrooms. The remaining 4200 Sq. Ft. is utilized as a warehouse and shop. Ample employee and customer parking is available.
This is a full-service boutique vacation rental reservations management business. The company advertises, rents short term, and maintains rental properties...