Dog Day Care - Franchised, Orange County, CA
Pet Service Businesses for Sale
- Primary Category: Boarding & Dog Daycares for Sale
The business is associated with a prominent national franchise operation consistently rated as a top performer by Entrepreneur Magazine (#1 in Pet Care Category), Franchise Times, Fast and Serious and other publications.
The service territory afforded by its location includes excellent financial demographics and customers who value the service, care level and facility (unmatched by competitors) this business offers.
The business offers boarding, daycare and spa services. A Play Before Stay program helps minimize dog anxiety as they transition into full day daycare, overnight stays and extended boarding schedules. A mandatory Meet and Greet which allows staff to become familiar with and evaluate dogs is required before daycare or boarding reservations to ensure the safety of all dogs and care providers. This location offers webcam access to allow pet owners to check in on their dogs, which is helpful in the management of owner anxiety during dog stay durations.
This business currently employs fourteen (14) individuals in addition to the two owners (husband-wife team). The employee headcount varies depending on business need. One of the owners is the General Manager, the other owner is involved on a more casual, part-time basis and focuses primarily on basic facility maintenance. Consistency of the service quality and general facility safety is maintained via employee completion of a mandatory training program, well documented processes and operating procedures, and strong Franchisor support.
The employee training program was developed by a registered animal behaviorist and has been certified by the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) and the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT).
The Franchise operations and protocols have been designed and structured to create an environment of, and opportunity for success which is achievable by motivated individuals without significant training or experience in animal behavior or care, willing to learn from and follow Franchisor advice.
The successful buyer will enjoy the benefit of the significant ($650,000) investment in tenant improvements and facility design and layout.
Financial Information
- $1,600,000 Asking Price
- $388,000 Cash Flow
- $1,247,000 Gross Revenue
- N/A Down Payment
Business Location
- City: Confidential
- State: California
Reason for Sale
- Retirement
Detailed information
- Year Established: 2014
- Home Based: No
- Franchise: No
- Relocatable: No
- Lender Prequalified: No
- SBA Prequalified: No
- Part-Time Employees: 14
- Contractors: N/A
- Owner Worked Hours/w: N/A
- Adjusted EBITDA: N/A
- Inventory Included: No
- Inventory Value: N/A
- Monthly Rent: $11,113
- Real Estate Available: Yes
- Real Estate Included: No
- Real Estate Value: N/A
- Building Size: 11576
- FF&E Included?: No
- The Seller will provide two weeks of training at 30 hours per week after the close of escrow. Additional training provided by the Franchisor.
- • Building – 11,576 ft2 • Approximately $650,000 tenant improvements. • Attractive Lobby and office areas. • Three indoor playrooms with rubberized floors. • Three adjoining outdoor play yards with pools and shade cloths. • Dog enclosures comprised of modern suites, modular cage banks and crates. • Grooming Room • Spa Room • Two evaluation rooms • Kitchen/break room • Two laundry rooms • Easy access via freeway and major surface streets
Market Outlook/Competition
- There is healthy competition in the Company service territory, however, none of the competitors can match the facility features offered by this company or the scalability and professionalism afforded by Franchisor support.
Business Listed by
Ed Anderson
Sunbelt of Los Angeles/Whittier/FullertonContact Business Broker
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