Riverside County Lawn and Garden Equipment Sales/Service with Real Estate Available
Automotive & Boat Businesses for Sale
- Primary Category: Equipment Rental & Dealers for Sale
Landmark commercial and homeowner lawn equipment sales and repair business with reputation for quality and service since 1989, is on the market and is approved for SBA financing. The Company sells and services top quality professional grade mowers and handheld equipment including Sthil, Toro and Echo. Additional products include generators. climbing gear, gardening tools and supplies. Products are displayed in a well-organized showroom. The business operates Monday through Saturday. The Company is transitioning to the sale and repair of battery powered equipment and the major equipment manufacturing companies are already producing battery operated lawn mowers, string trimmers, leaf blowers and chain saws and encouraging their customers to stock up on them.
The owner actively manages the business each day with the help of the Store Manager who schedules the staff and does some product ordering. All current employees are expected to stay when the business sells but, of course, the owner, to maintain confidentiality, has not asked them.
Upside Potential includes adding irrigation products, working with a financial source to provide funding for buyers and utilizing the adjacent 30,056-sf /.69-acre lot that is owned by the seller to provide heavy equipment rentals and repairs of forklifts, tractors, trailers, and other construction equipment.
The seller is motivated and will provide some seller financing for the right buyer.
Financial Information
- $245,000 Asking Price
- $155,274 Cash Flow
- $2,220,447 Gross Revenue
- On request Down Payment
- Yes Financing
Business Location
- City: Riverside County
- State: California
Financing Comments
- Pre-Approved for SBA Financing for a qualified buyer
Reason for Sale
- Retirement
Detailed information
- Year Established: 1989
- Home Based: No
- Franchise: No
- Relocatable: No
- Lender Prequalified: No
- SBA Prequalified: No
- Full-Time Employees: 7
- Part-Time Employees: 2
- Contractors: N/A
- Owner Worked Hours/w: N/A
- Adjusted EBITDA: On request
- Inventory Included: No
- Inventory Value: $1,250,000
- Monthly Rent: $4,000
- Real Estate Available: Yes
- Real Estate Included: No
- Real Estate Value: $1,600,000
- Building Size: 2517
- FF&E Included?: Yes
- FF&E Value: On request
- Seller will negotiate a transition period
- The facility consists of a 2,517-sf building on 22,215-sf /.51-acre of land. The seller also owns the real estate and is open to a sale at the fair-market-value (preferred) or a long-term lease starting at $4,000 per month. The seller owns the real estate of the adjoining 30,056-sf/.69-acre empty lot and is open to a lease or sale of that real estate. This lot could be a good investment as the area is in a growth mode on a main boulevard of an active industrial area.
Market Outlook/Competition
- This lot could be a good investment as the area is in a growth mode on a main boulevard of an active industrial area.
Real Estate Description
- The facility consists of a 2,517-sf building on 22,215-sf /.51-acre of land. The seller also owns the real estate and is open to a sale at the fair-market-value (preferred) or a long-term lease starting at $2,500 per month. The seller owns the real estate of the adjoining 30,056-sf/.69-acre empty lot and is open to a lease or sale of that real estate also. This lot could be a good investment as the area is in a growth mode on a main boulevard of an active industrial area.
Business Listed by
Joe Atchison
Sunbelt of Riverside CountyContact Business Broker
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