Commercial & Residential Pest & Termite Control Services - Price Reduced

Service Businesses Companies for Sale
- Primary Category: Pest Control Businesses for Sale
This company has maintained an excellent reputation over the past 38 years serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties and has been in the same central location for 20 years. It currently has over 500 customers - 90% residential and 10% commercial - with approximately 25% under annual service contracts. It has been consistently profitable due to its reputation for great service. The Owner maintains Branch 2 and 3 Licenses.
While referrals are frequent from current customers, new customers are also obtained through social media advertising with excellent ratings from both Google and Yelp. In addition to its prime location the Business also retains a branded 800 telephone number.
The owner will provide training as well as introductions to customers and is willing to allow a new owner to utilize his licenses during the transition period. The business is ideal for a new owner with or without experience.
Financial Information
- $250,000 Asking Price
- $99,059 Cash Flow
- $451,379 Gross Revenue
- On request Down Payment
Business Location
- City: Los Angeles & Orange Counties
- State: California
Reason for Sale
- New Endeavor & Location Move
Detailed information
- Year Established: 1986
- Home Based: No
- Franchise: No
- Relocatable: No
- Lender Prequalified: No
- SBA Prequalified: No
- Full-Time Employees: 2
- Part-Time Employees: N/A
- Contractors: 4
- Owner Worked Hours/w: N/A
- Adjusted EBITDA: On request
- Inventory Included: No
- Inventory Value: On request
- Monthly Rent: $2,200
- Real Estate Available: No
- Real Estate Included: No
- Real Estate Value: N/A
- Building Size: 1500
- FF&E Included?: Yes
- FF&E Value: On request
- The owner will provide training as well as introductions to customers and is willing to allow a new owner to utilize his licenses during the transition period. The business is ideal for a new owner with or without experience.
- 1,500 sf including 4 offices and a warehouse / garage for supplies and vehicles. Rent is $2,200 per month on a yearly lease with renewable options.
Business Listed by

Jim Orth
Sunbelt of Riverside CountyContact Business Broker
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