Primary Category:Other Building & Construction Businesses for Sale
This business started many years ago installing aluminum siding. It has grown and expanded as a general contractor. Over the years it has remained profitable through ups and downs n the local economy, and at times has been extremely profitable. It specializes in installing Windows, Doors, Siding, Gutters, Roofing, Awnings, Railings and Columns. most of of its revenue comes from residential projects. It also maintains a well stocked retail paint and supply store.
Company has clients in Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio. The real estate available for lease or purchase. Property has been valued at $300,000.
Financial Information
Asking Price
Cash Flow
Gross Revenue
On request
Down Payment
Business Location
Wetzel County
State:West Virginia
Reason for Sale
Detailed information
Year Established:1961
Home Based:No
Lender Prequalified:No
SBA Prequalified:No
Full-Time Employees: 7
Part-Time Employees:2
Owner Worked Hours/w:40
Inventory Included: Yes
Inventory Value:
Monthly Rent:
Real Estate Available: Yes
Real Estate Included: No
Real Estate Value:
Building Size: 6500
FF&E Included?: Yes
FF&E Value: $100,000
The owner is willing to remain with the business to assure a smooth transition and may also be available to assist the new owner with estimating, and bidding jobs. He is ready to sell the business, but isn't planning to go anywhere. there is management in place that has a great deal of knowledge and is expected to remain with the business.
2.5 Acres with Office, Warehouse and Storage units built in 2022. 6,500 square feet of space on property.
Market Outlook/Competition
The sky is the limit for this company. The owner has done well to maintain a strong reputation but has not worked hard to promote or grow the company in recent years. Throughout the increased use of select contractors, he has discovered greater capacity to take on an expanded range of projects.