Successful Restaurant with terrific location
- Primary Category: American Restaurants for Sale
Highly successful RESTAURANT in a terrific location.
Seating 90
Facility- 3,000+/-Sq Ft
For additional information:
Sunbelt Business Brokers
Bob Koch, Sr. Broker
[email protected]
Financial Information
- $182,000 Asking Price
- $124,000 Cash Flow
- $653,000 Gross Revenue
- $5,000 Down Payment
Business Location
- City: Confidential
- State: Alabama
Reason for Sale
- Relocating to Florida
Detailed information
- Year Established: 2019
- Home Based: No
- Franchise: No
- Relocatable: No
- Lender Prequalified: No
- SBA Prequalified: No
- Full-Time Employees: 6
- Part-Time Employees: N/A
- Contractors: N/A
- Owner Worked Hours/w: 40
- Inventory Included: Yes
- Inventory Value: $5,500
- Monthly Rent: $5,100
- Real Estate Available: No
- Real Estate Included: No
- Real Estate Value: $0
- Building Size: 3000
- FF&E Included?: Yes
- FF&E Value: $200,000
- Husband and Wife owners will train during transition period for up to one month
- 3,000+/- Sq Ft Seating- 90 patrons
Business Listed by
Robert Koch
Sunbelt of Huntsville
Listing ID
Contact Business Broker
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