Commercial Pool Water Treatment Business

- Primary Category: Distributors & Other Wholesale Businesses for Sale
Water treatment for commercial recreational swimming pools in and around the Houston area. Services include chemical products along with a maintenance program and control & feed equipment. Business delivers, installs, and maintains pool chemistry according to individual customer needs. Water chemistry maintenance and chemical for commercial cooling systems is a division of the company.
Financial Information
- $1,950,000 Asking Price
- $563,373 Cash Flow
- $1,500,000 Gross Revenue
- N/A Down Payment
Business Location
- City: Houston
- State: Texas
Reason for Sale
- Retirement
Detailed information
- Year Established: 1993
- Home Based: No
- Franchise: No
- Relocatable: No
- Lender Prequalified: Yes
- SBA Prequalified: Yes
- Full-Time Employees: 4
- Part-Time Employees: N/A
- Contractors: N/A
- Owner Worked Hours/w: 40
- Adjusted EBITDA: N/A
- Inventory Included: Yes
- Inventory Value: $10,000
- Monthly Rent: $2,000
- Real Estate Available: Yes
- Real Estate Included: No
- Real Estate Value: N/A
- Building Size: 1500
- FF&E Included?: Yes
- FF&E Value: $75,000
- The Seller will provide training to the Buyer after the sale of the business on a schedule agreed to by both parties to ensure a smooth transition.
Real Estate Description
- Office with outside space for truck & chemical storage
Business Listed by

Dan Altom
Sunbelt of Houston - WestContact Business Broker
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