Top-Quality Painting and Staining Services
Residential interior and exterior painting and staining.
Financial Information
- $185,000 Asking Price
- $79,100 Cash Flow
- $102,000 Gross Revenue
- N/A Down Payment
- Yes Financing
Business Location
- City: Confidential
- State: North Dakota
Reason for Sale
- Owners moving out of state.
Detailed information
- Year Established: 2018
- Home Based: Yes
- Franchise: No
- Relocatable: Yes
- Lender Prequalified: No
- SBA Prequalified: No
- Full-Time Employees: 1
- Part-Time Employees: 1
- Contractors: N/A
- Owner Worked Hours/w: 20
- Adjusted EBITDA: $59,900
- Inventory Included: Yes
- Inventory Value: $3,605
- Monthly Rent: N/A
- Real Estate Available: No
- Real Estate Included: No
- Real Estate Value: N/A
- FF&E Included?: Yes
- FF&E Value: Negotiable
- All work in located on the job site.
Market Outlook/Competition
- Based on competition this painting/staining business offers better prices, flexibility, and quality of service and communication. Providing professional proposals and invoices. Due to being a small business they can not take on huge projects like other companies can. The quality and attention to detail on residential projects is where they thrive.
Real Estate Description
- N/A
Business Listed by
Arthur Rosenberg
Sunbelt of North DakotaContact Business Broker
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