Pet Business in Utah 40 Years with Strong Growth

Pet Service Businesses for Sale
- Primary Category: Boarding & Dog Daycares for Sale
Growing every year. Pet lodging, Grooming, Daycare.
8.2% top line growth in 2024, 7% growth 2023, 23% in 2022 and 28% in 2021.
Video interview of the owner after signed NDA and pre-qualification.
This is a unique opportunity due the industry, length of time in business, growth and area of the country supporting strong future growth. Expecting a 6 to 7 times SDE to be considered.
Financial Information
- N/A Asking Price
- $532,453 Cash Flow
- $1,726,098 Gross Revenue
- N/A Down Payment
- Yes Financing
Business Location
- City: Confidential
- State: Utah
Financing Comments
- $1.5M seller note over 10 to 15 years @ 7% with $1.6M cash down
Reason for Sale
- Retirement
Detailed information
- Year Established: 1967
- Home Based: No
- Franchise: No
- Relocatable: No
- Lender Prequalified: No
- SBA Prequalified: No
- Full-Time Employees: 24
- Part-Time Employees: N/A
- Contractors: N/A
- Owner Worked Hours/w: N/A
- Adjusted EBITDA: N/A
- Inventory Included: Yes
- Inventory Value: N/A
- Monthly Rent: N/A
- Real Estate Available: Yes
- Real Estate Included: No
- Real Estate Value: $1,000,000
- FF&E Included?: No
Real Estate Description
- Stand alone building owned by the business owner. A $6000 per month for 10 years is offered.
Business Listed by

Dean Wiltse
Sunbelt of UtahContact Business Broker
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