Primary Category:Other Building & Construction Businesses for Sale
Profitable service-oriented business which mainly serves to residential homes. Highly desired area in the mountains of the Carolinas. No licenses or certifications required. This business requires a buyer who is willing to work with their hands and be out in the field.
The seller believes the ideal buyer will have a strong background in general construction trade and maintenance. No special licensing required. Insurance is all rolled into one policy. Total cost approximately $18,000 annually.
Please contact Hunter Law cell 704-530-5313 or email [email protected]
Financial Information
Asking Price
Cash Flow
Gross Revenue
On request
Down Payment
Business Location
Buncombe County
State:North Carolina
Financing Comments
The seller is receptive to all fair and reasonable offers and some seller financing may be considered on a buyer for buyer basis.
Detailed information
Year Established:1990
Home Based:No
Lender Prequalified:No
SBA Prequalified:No
Full-Time Employees: 4
Part-Time Employees:N/A
Owner Worked Hours/w:N/A
Adjusted EBITDA:
On request
Inventory Included: No
Inventory Value:
On request
Monthly Rent:
On request
Real Estate Available: No
Real Estate Included: No
Real Estate Value:
Building Size: 2000
FF&E Included?: Yes
FF&E Value: On request
Seller will negotiate a transition period
Approximately 2,000 SF located in a commercial complex. 3-year annual lease with options to renew. Office space in the front of building and space in back for inventory.
Market Outlook/Competition
Lead technician could step up sales efforts. Additional employees would be extremely helpful for increasing revenue and customer base. When at their peak prior to Covid-19, they had 10 employees on board with 3 trucks being used in the field. Owner personally believes the business can reach 4.5 million annual sales with the right people in place.