Pawn Shop Business For Sale in Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Make great Money from new and pawned retails sales plus consumer cash lending secured by personal property.
Great opportunity to buy a profitable Pawn shop business that has been in operation for many years. This shop is located in Edmonton with a well-established reputation for customer relationships, diverse inventory, well organized and automated systems for easy take over. Reliable staff and management in place. Earn interest immediately on pawned items.
This Pawn shop For Sale in Edmonton is cash flow positive, has low operating costs, resilient to economic conditions and a turnkey operation management in place.
Reason for Selling: Sellers want to work on their other businesses
Financial Information
Asking Price
Cash Flow
Gross Revenue
Down Payment
Business Location
Financing Comments
Some seller financing available at the sellers discretion
Reason for Sale
Owner is wanting to concentrate on other other businesses.
Detailed information
Year Established:1980
Home Based:No
Lender Prequalified:No
SBA Prequalified:No
Full-Time Employees: 3
Part-Time Employees:1
Owner Worked Hours/w:5
Adjusted EBITDA:
On request
Inventory Included: Yes
Inventory Value:
Monthly Rent:
On request
Real Estate Available: No
Real Estate Included: No
Real Estate Value:
FF&E Included?: Yes
FF&E Value: On request
Seller will train the next owner
3800 Sq ft building with plentily of storage and parking
Market Outlook/Competition
Situated in an area with other pawn shops this shop benefits from the surrounding competition. Drawing in clientele then seeing them return for the great service and quality merchandise. Startup competition is non existent as the city has limited the number of these store from coming in.