Located on Hwy 31 in Hoover, Alabama, this 2,000 sq. ft. Restaurant has 13 dining tables and seats 10 at a bar. Renovations were done in 2022 and includes a brand new AC unit and water heater.
Roughly 800-900 sq. ft. is dedicated to a fully decked out kitchen area. Owner is ready to retire. Interested? Call Rick Gilmore 205-369-5584 or email [email protected]
Financial Information
Asking Price
Cash Flow
Gross Revenue
Down Payment
Business Location
Reason for Sale
Retirement- Owner will consider all offers and wants to move quickly .
Detailed information
Year Established:2007
Home Based:No
Lender Prequalified:No
SBA Prequalified:No
Full-Time Employees: 2
Part-Time Employees:1
Owner Worked Hours/w:39
Adjusted EBITDA:
Inventory Included: Yes
Inventory Value:
Monthly Rent:
Real Estate Available: No
Real Estate Included: No
Real Estate Value:
Building Size: 2000
FF&E Included?: Yes
FF&E Value: $52,856
Owner would stay on for a reasonable transition period and would offer a discounted price for not having to train.
Market Outlook/Competition
This is a prime opportunity to buys a going concern at a discount and easily grow the revenues. After 30 years the seller values time off off as much as a busy Friday. Last year they were closed for vacation 6 weeks in the summer and 4 weeks on the holidays and every holiday on the calendar