Diesel and Fleet Repair Shop - Mid to Large Trucks
Automotive & Boat Businesses for Sale
- Primary Category: Auto Repair & Service Shops for Sale
This business specializes in diesel and fleet repair of mid to large sized trucks. From A/C repair , Brake, Engine, Suspension, Transmission repair and diagnostics. Basic services such as Oil Changes, Wheel Alignments.
It's located on 1.5 acre, 12,000 sq. ft. facility that houses 12 bays. 8-9 Employees with a Management staff in place. Owner is ready to retire. Option to buy Land and Building is available separate from asking price. The real estate is valued at $1,750,000.
Interested? Call Rick Gilmore 205-369-5584 or email [email protected]
Financial Information
- $1,600,000 Asking Price
- $383,458 Cash Flow
- $2,244,870 Gross Revenue
- On request Down Payment
Business Location
- City: Jefferson County
- State: Alabama
Reason for Sale
- Retirement
Detailed information
- Year Established: 2010
- Home Based: No
- Franchise: No
- Relocatable: No
- Lender Prequalified: No
- SBA Prequalified: No
- Full-Time Employees: 8
- Part-Time Employees: N/A
- Contractors: N/A
- Owner Worked Hours/w: 40
- Adjusted EBITDA: $375,734
- Inventory Included: Yes
- Inventory Value: $5,000
- Monthly Rent: $8,500
- Real Estate Available: Yes
- Real Estate Included: No
- Real Estate Value: $1,750,000
- Building Size: 12000
- FF&E Included?: Yes
- FF&E Value: On request
- Standard Training and Transition Period
- 12 Bays for Repairs
Market Outlook/Competition
- Other Diesel Repair Service Shops
Real Estate Description
- 1.5 Acres, 12,000 sq. ft. facility
Business Listed by
Don Smith
Sunbelt of BirminghamContact Business Broker
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